...The three cardinal factors of design are the following: Who is the audience? What do you want to say to them? How do you say it effectively? If you don't follow this sequence, you're always going to make some terrible mistake.From 'Design Dialogues' by Steven Heller and Elinor Pettit.
Milton Glaser is a very well known graphic design, illustrator, typographer, art director and educator.
Another tidbit from the interview, a Chinese saying:
...Everything at its fullness is already in decline...
And to continue on the same trend, a couple weeks ago I was lucky enough to attend a conference put on by Sheridan's graduation Illustration class, Illustrationism. Here are just a few of the things that came up I found interesting and useful in the process of building a career.
Always remember the two P's when you're building your career: Perseverance and Patience.
Inspiration is for amateurs.
And a don't be afraid of risks.